Tiginesh Beyene | Senior Associate, Network Engagement


Tiginesh uses evidence-based methods and tools to pool and share knowledge from Growald Climate Fund’s growing network of philanthropic partners’ grantmaking data. She uses this knowledge to determine if the network's philanthropic resources are being strategically allocated to transform the electricity sector to clean energy.

Prior to Growald, Tiginesh worked as a research associate at the Schneider Institute for Health Policy and Research at Brandeis University, where she conducted community-based impact evaluations and qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Tiginesh also worked for five years as a software engineer at Microsoft and Boston Scientific, where she developed her computational, quantitative, and analytical skills. In her home country, Ethiopia, Tiginesh coordinated Slow Food International Network’s projects as the country director and helped develop a nationwide network of sustainable food communities in an effort to form alliances between conscious consumers and sustainable producers and to strengthen the local food system. 

Tiginesh earned a bachelor’s in computer science with a minor in math from the University of Houston and a master’s in sustainable international development with a concentration in data science from Brandeis University.