Martha Belcher | Chief of Staff


Martha bridges Growald Climate Fund programs and operations to ensure that the organization is running smoothly and efficiently, its people are thriving, and the GCF credo is alive and well in all corners of the organization. 

Previously, Martha was a founder of Sungevity, an Oakland, CA-based residential solar company that grew across 10 states and three countries. She parlayed this valuable experience to her business advising and leadership coaching practice in which she supported social enterprises and mission-led businesses to grow and world-changing entrepreneurs to thrive. Martha started her career at WALHI in Jakarta, Indonesia, working with some of the same CSO leaders that GCF now supports. 

Martha has a bachelor’s degree in international relations from Trinity College and a master’s in business administration from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Based in Berkeley, CA, Martha enjoys swimming in the San Francisco bay and wherever she can find a welcoming body of water.